Flocking Together is a master thesis for the Libera Universita di Bolzano in eco-social design which uses designerly storytelling to explore the complexities involved in reviving native wool production in Puglia and in Italy in general, and the obstacles involved with trasforming the resource, which is often treated as “waste.” Its aim is to raise awareness of the underlying glocal systemic, economic, ecological, and social issues involved, but also shine a light on positive inititatives by small local and national realities which are successfully valorizing this resource. Through a look at one micro-region, the Altamurgia in Puglia, Flocking Together explores how “glocal” issues affect community resources, economies, identities, and livelihoods. “Flocking Together” aims to give voice to local actors and weave a narrative grounded in the recognition that we are all dependent on each other and the more-than-human world around us. The project hopes to be an example of how storytelling can inspire transformation and act as an agent for eco-social change.